Information Technology 11

Course Length:


Student Responsibility:

All work is to be submitted on the date specified unless special condition prevails. Since the course work is compacted over nine weeks, attendance is extremely important, and is part of the final evaluation.  The student is responsible for finding out about school work missed.Cheating is completely unacceptable.  If you copy, or let another student copy an assignment, project, or homework, that is worth any marks, you will receive a “0” for the first offense, be put on a strict contract for the second offense, and will be removed from the class on the third offense. (Please refer to the school’s policy on cheating).  Any student caught copying software to or from network will be removed from class. Any student caught copying questionable material from the internet will be removed from the class.



Course Rationale:  To participate and make informed decisions in today’s world, a global citizen requires technological and information literacy skills that include the ability to gather, process, and manipulate data.  Information technology is changing the way we work.  Traditional jobs, such as those in the banking industry are disappearing,  while new jobs are appearing in areas such as multimedia production.  This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to experience some of the new tools of technology, to understand the science behind them, and to develop skills needed for  a quickly changing society.


LEARNING OUTCOMES:  Students will:  

1)demonstrate an understanding of the integration and use of information technology  tools in the workplace

2)use information technology tools to increase productivity and to enhance communications

3)demonstrate the ability to draw conclusions about the impact of multimedia communications on society

4)demonstrate a mastery of media to convey or enhance their own messages

5)demonstrate an awareness of the power of networked communities

6)demonstrate an understanding of the networking problems that are common to their own LANs and their community’s WANs

7)identify the potential of the Internet in their daily lives analyze information received from the Internet

8)use the Internet as a tool for their own communication requirements


Course Components

I)  Networks : 

Students need to know how to construct and manage networks within an ethical framework.  In Grade 11, they begin to gain an awareness for the need for a logical approach to solving problems using a network:  Students will:

_     differentiate between the concepts of stand alone workstation and printer-spooling, disk-sharing and file sharing computer systems

_     identify and analyze legal, ethical, social, and security issues related to network systems and stand-alone computer systems

_     distinguish between peer-to-peer file sharing and centralized file-sharing

_     identify the career opportunities for and roles of persons employed in environments that use networking technology

_     analyze the responsibility and  roles of network users and technicians

_     understand and apply network terminology



Students are introduced to the basic concepts and terminology of programming as a basis for further discovery.  Students will:

_     use a structured problem-solving process for solving simple problems

_     demonstrate an understanding of programming language concepts:  reduced vocabulary, translation to programming language, syntax and grammar

_     apply a high-level programming language to implement the logical structures of sequence, repetition and selection

_     design and implement programs on a computer to solve problem s

_     apply and understand programming terminology

identify career opportunities for programmers and people employed in environments that use programming


III)Electronic Communications: 

Students discover a variety of communications tools: World Wide Web browsers, Telnet, Gopher, FTP Servers.  Students will:

_     identify and describe a variety of electronic communications environments and software tools available to access these environments

_     evaluate and use a variety of electronic communications tools to solve problems

_     present and analyze information found through electronic communications tools

_     create an interactive document with hypertext links to other documents

_     analyze the social impact of electronic communications


IV)Multimedia:  Students will:

_      create multimedia documents and presentations

_     explain the impact of digital information on society

_     identify a variety of tools and resources used for multimedia

_     demonstrate an understanding of various media elements found in multimedia

_     demonstrate an understanding of multimedia terminology

_     analyze presentation software, and the effectiveness of media elements used in presentations

_     identify the career opportunities for and roles of persons employed in multimedia environments


Website: , ,

Software:  (possible packages, other applicable software to be announced)  MS Office, Microsoft Composer, HTML Editor, Webford, Netscape 4.7, MS Visual C++ 6.0, Internet, Gif Animator, others TBA.

Print:  Text:  Corica, Freitas, Presley, A Guide to Programming in C++, Additional Sources:  Student-supplied articles, Internet-supplied articles, teacher-supplied articles and notes

Information Technology 11 Course Evaluation:

_     Effort and participation(in-class articles, group work, attendance):             10%

_    Website:                                                                                                                  25%

_    Assignments and Projects                                                                                                           25%

_    Tests:                                                                                                                      40%

_    Total:                                                                                                                      100%


Please Note:  Instructor reserves the right to adjust the weighting of the marks due to time and course


For course withdrawal guidelines, see HERE